The European Green Deal, prepared by the European Union in 2019, is defined as a new growth strategy that aims to transform the EU into a fair and prosperous society with a modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy where there are no net greenhouse gas emissions and economic growth is separated from resource use.
In addition to this growth strategy, the EU demonstrates its determination to tackle climate and environmental challenges and aims to protect its citizens from environmental risks and impacts.
It was stated in the memorandum clearly that it is not possible for Europe to achieve the environmental goals of the EU by acting alone, and it has been stated that the driving forces of climate change and biodiversity loss are global and cannot be limited to the borders of the EU.
Active public participation is identified as the most important element for the success of the European Green Deal. For this reason, it is stated that national, regional and local administrations, NGOs and all sectors should act with the same vision.
The EU plans to take more effective climate action to raise its greenhouse gas emission reduction target to 50% compared to 1990 levels in the next 10 years. Within the scope of the agreement, the EU has decided to review its policy tools and revise when necessary in order to achieve these goals. With these policy reforms, it is aimed to ensure effective carbon pricing throughout the economic system.
Many projects are implemented within our National Climate Change Action and Adaptation plans in Turkey. Acting in line with the new "Green Deal" strategy of the European Union will create an opportunity for our country to take the projects carried out so far further. In addition, considering the export potential of our country, it will be necessary to adapt to the new EU strategy.
For Details
You may find the Green Deal Document in here.